Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adidas: Celebrate Orignality

Finally! I was aware of an Adidas commercial with Katy Perry and David Beckham in the works for some time now, and it's just been released. Adidas Originals has invited these and other celebrities, including Kevin Garnett, Missy Elliott, Mark Gonzales, DMC, Method Man, Young Jeezy, among others, to celebrate 60 years of "Soles and Stripes."

The full length video is shown above, and there are two other spots:

30 Second

The name of the song in the 30 second and minute long ad is "Beggin'" by Frankie Vallie & The Four Seasons (Pilooski Re-edit).

The more I watch it, the more celebrities pop out. Was that Estelle? Looks like quite the party.

(Note: Guru Grade may be skewed by the seductive shots of Katy Perry... ~swoon~ )

Guru Grade: 8.5 / 10


Erica said...

A few things:
a) It's ironic that they tell us to celebrate originality. Maybe adidas has original footwear, but is it a particularly original move by anyone to wear it?
b) It's okay if your grade was skewed by Katy Perry, because David Beckham has the same effect.

mrdantoth said...

a) While you make a good argument against branding as a whole, I think the celebrities chosen were picked for a reason (other than them wearing adidas all the time.) The selection represents some of the most supreme celebs on the planet at the time. I can't even wrap my head around how much this must have cost to get all of these people in on the campaign. Mind blowing.
b) Fair enough.

k said...

its basically a superb 30 second music video that does exactly what branding is meant to do, create a feeling. i love when it comes on and don't want it to end. i can't remember the last time i thought that about a commercial. this spot is amazing.