Tuesday, December 2, 2008

HP: In the Air

Hewlett-Packard now has a wireless printer. Not a new technology, but the way they conveyed the idea was interesting. If you ever think about it, all those pictures, videos, songs, and data really do float through the air... Imagine if you could turn on a switch and see it all. Between cell phones conversations and wireless internet connections, there would be a lot to look at.

This commercial is clean and well produced.

Guru Grade: 6.5 / 10

If anyone is interested in the credits, please let me know. I'm considering posting the agency/directors/producers for spots from now on, but only if they're wanted.


Anonymous said...

A bedlam has arose out of an instance of an impostor invading my account. Alas, none is lost. The imbecile was far too insolent to correctly spell my name, so no harm is irrevocably done. Allow me to withhold mentioning his awfully succinct diction.

The ad hints, albeit overtly, to an idea easily conveyed in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Such an iconic scene where the child wishes to beam himself across the room in particles comparable to the way in which the candy bar was transmitted from a gargantuan size to fitting for a television screen.

I suppose they do "float" through air.