Garmin wants to let you know that no matter who you are, their products can help you find your way. Everyone from mini-mini van drivers, scooter riders, bike peddlers, jogging nuns, hiking vikings, and boating fishermen are covered.
The song is based off of a classic Christmas tune, Carol of the Bells.
The lyrics are as follows:
One for a man, in a little vanGuru Grade: 8 / 10
Get there with ease, hair in the breeze
One for commuter on motor scooter
Rolls down a hill, bugs in her grill
One for the sport, where all the shorts
Are very tight, made for a bike
One for a nun, out for a run
Wrist keeps a log, what she has jogged
One for a viking out for some hiking
Find the village, he will pillage
Find what you want, find what you wish
There's even one... to find a fish
Give-a give-a give-a give-a Garmin
Find something fun for everyone
Garmin dot com, Gaarminn dot cooooooom
this commercial is "mess". No focus, no interest, no ideas. "For all" doesn't mean to put all the shoot but no relevant....
Susan~ Thanks for reading! It's people like you who keep this blog going.
Izmild~ I disagree. The commercial was very well organized, entertaining, and funny. I don't quite understand what you're getting at but perhaps you underestimate the song used. It is an extremely popular American Christmas song, which wouldn't have the same effect if used in a foreign campaign (I imagine.)
The ad is catchy and is one that easily resounds in the mind's idle time.
However, if they had consulted a writer who understood music metering then the main line would have had one les "give-a"
It would have read:
Give-a, give-a, give-a Garmin
Subliminally the 4 time repeat of "give-a" pushes the mind's focus off Garmin and emphasizez give. Not a bad concept for Christmas but not one that abundantly supports Garmin.
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